Talking About Radio with John Leslie
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Talking About Radio with John Leslie
"Nothing But Old 45s" is a syndicated radio show heard on 65 stations in the US and more stations abroad. Larry Kratka is the mastermind and host of this great show. He is Talking About Radio With John Lelsie
Long time DJ Larry Kratka retired from doing regular radio shows and news programs, but he wasn't ready to give up broadcasting. So he began to syndicate his brainstorm, a program that features "Nothing But Old 45s." It has developed a life of it's own and is currently on 65 terrestrial and online stations and continues to grow each week.
This is fun conversation with an original radio DJ and newsman who has great stories to tell about the many stations he worked at. Lots of laughs and nostalgia in this episode of Talking About Radio with John Leslie.